Erlang 20

Net if的定义 | 12. Definition of Agent Net if

12 代理网络的定义IF

图12.1: 代理Net的目的IF

网络接口(Net if)进程将SNMP PDU传递给主代理,并从主代理接收SNMP PDU。Net if进程最常见的行为是从网络接收字节,将它们解码为SNMP PDU,并将其发送给主代理。当主代理处理PDU时,它向Net if过程发送响应PDU,该过程将PDU编码为字节并将字节传输到网络上。


也可以编写自己的Net if过程。默认的Net if进程在模块中实现snmpa_net_if,它使用UDP作为传输协议,即传输域transportDomainUdpIpv4和/或transportDomainUdpIpv6

本节介绍如何编写Net if进程。


Net if进程必须实现SNMP代理network interface behaviour


消息 ”部分描述了强制性消息,如果必须发送并且能够接收,该消息必须是Net。



Net如果从网络接收到针对MasterAgent的SNMP PDU时必须发送以下消息:

MasterAgent ! {snmp_pdu, Vsn, Pdu, PduMS, ACMData, From, Extra}

  • Vsn可以是'版本-1','版本-2'或'版本-3'。


Pid ! {snmp_response_received, Vsn, Pdu, From}

  • Pid是等待请求响应的进程。send_pdu_req消息中指定了Pid (see below)


本节介绍Net if进程必须能够接收的传入消息。

  • {snmp_response, Vsn, Pdu, Type, ACMData, To, Extra} 该消息作为对先前接收到的请求的响应而被发送到来自主代理的网络if处理。

- `Vsn` is either `'version-1'`, `'version-2'`, or `'version-3'`.

- `Pdu` is an SNMP PDU record (as defined in snmp\_types.hrl) with the SNMP response.

- `Type` is the `#pdu.type` of the original request.

- `ACMData` is data used by the Access Control Module in use. Normally this is just sent to `snmpa_mpd:generate_response_message` (see Reference Manual).

- `To` is the destination `Address` that comes from the `From` field in the corresponding `snmp_pdu` message previously sent to the MasterAgent.

- `Extra` is the term that the Net if process sent to the agent when the request was sent to the agent.

  • {discarded_pdu, Vsn, ReqId, ACMData, Variable, Extra} 如果由于某种原因决定放弃pdu,该消息将从主代理发送。

- `Vsn` is either `'version-1'`, `'version-2'`, or `'version-3'`.

- `ReqId` is the request id of the original request.

- `ACMData` is data used by the Access Control Module in use. Normally this is just sent to `snmpa_mpd:generate_response_message` (see Reference Manual).

- `Variable` is the name of an snmp counter that represents the error, e.g. `snmpInBadCommunityUses`.

- `Extra` is the term that the Net if process sent to the agent when the request was sent to the agent.

  • {send_pdu, Vsn, Pdu, MsgData, To, Extra} 当要发送陷阱时,该消息从主代理发送。

- `Vsn` is either `'version-1'`, `'version-2'`, or `'version-3'`.

- `Pdu` is an SNMP PDU record (as defined in snmp\_types.hrl) with the SNMP response.

- `MsgData` is the message specific data used in the SNMP message. This value is normally sent to `snmpa_mpd:generate_message/4`. In SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c, this message data is the community string. In SNMPv3, it is the context information.

- `To` is a list of `{Address, SecData}` tuples i.e the destination addresses and their corresponding security parameters. This value is normally sent to `snmpa_mpd:generate_message/4`.

- `Extra` is any term that the notification sender wishes to pass to the Net if process when sending a notification (see [`send notification`](snmpa#send_notification2) for more info).

  • {send_pdu_req, Vsn, Pdu, MsgData, To, Pid, Extra} 当请求被发送时,该消息从主代理发送。代理可以发送的唯一请求是Inform-Request。net if进程需要记住请求ID和Pid,并且收到请求ID的响应时,使用snmp_response_received消息将其发送到Pid 。

- `Vsn` is either `'version-1'`, `'version-2'`, or `'version-3'`.

- `Pdu` is an SNMP PDU record (as defined in snmp\_types.hrl) with the SNMP response.

- `MsgData` is the message specific data used in the SNMP message. This value is normally sent to `snmpa_mpd:generate_message/4`. In SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c, this message data is the community string. In SNMPv3, it is the context information.

- `To` is a list of `{Address, SecData}` tuples i.e the destination addresses and their corresponding security parameters. This value is normally sent to `snmpa_mpd:generate_message/4`.

- `Pid` is a process identifier.

- `Extra` is any term that the notification sender wishes to pass to the Net if process when sending a notification (see [`send notification`](snmpa#send_notification2) for more info).


由于Net if进程负责编码和解码SNMP消息,因此它还必须更新MIB-II中的SNMP组中的相关计数器。 为此,可以使用模块snmpa_mpd中的函数(有关更多详细信息,请参见参考手册,部分snmp,模块snmpa_mpd)。
