C 语法

#define directive




#define identifier replacement-list(optional)(1)
#define identifier( parameters ) replacement-list(2)
#define identifier( parameters, ... ) replacement-list(3)(since C99)
#define identifier( ... ) replacement-list(4)(since C99)
#undef identifier(5)


#define 指令











注意:如果类似函数的宏的参数包含未被左右括号(如macro(array[x = y, x + 1]))的匹配对保护的逗号,则逗号将被解释为宏参数分隔符,导致由于参数计数不匹配导致的编译失败。

# and ## operators


当#在__VA_ARGS__之前出现时,整个展开的__VA_ARGS__用引号引起来:#define showlist(...)puts(#__ VA_ARGS__)showlist(); //展开为puts(“”)showlist(1,“x”,int); //展开为puts(“1,\”x \“,int”)(自C99以来)


注意:有些编译器提供了一个允许##出现在逗号之后和__VA_ARGS__之前的扩展,在这种情况下,当__VA_ARGS__非空时,##什么也不做,但当__VA_ARGS__为空时删除逗号:这使得可以定义宏等fprintf (stderr, format, ##__VA_ARGS__)

#undef directive




__STDC__expands to the integer constant 1. This macro is intended to indicate a conforming implementation (macro constant)
__STDC_VERSION__ (C95)expands to an integer constant of type long whose value increases with each version of the C standard: 199409L (C95) 199901L (C99) 201112L (C11) (macro constant)
__STDC_HOSTED__ (C99)expands to the integer constant 1 if the implementation is hosted (runs under an OS), ​0​ if freestanding (runs without an OS) (macro constant)
__FILE__expands to the name of the current file, as a character string literal, can be changed by the #line directive (macro constant)
__LINE__expands to the source file line number, an integer constant, can be changed by the #line directive (macro constant)
__DATE__expands to the date of translation, a character string literal of the form "Mmm dd yyyy". The name of the month is as if generated by asctime and the first character of "dd" is a space if the day of the month is less than 10 (macro constant)
__TIME__expands to the time of translation, a character string literal of the form "hh:mm:ss", as in the time generated by asctime() (macro constant)

  • 199409L (C95)



1如果实施托管(在 OS 下运行),​0​则 扩展为整数常量,如果是独立的(无 OS 的情况下运行)

(macro constant) __FILE__

扩展为当前文件的名称,作为字符串文字,可以通过#line 指令进行更改

(macro constant) __LINE__

展开为源文件行号,一个整数常量,可以通过#line 指令进行更改

(macro constant) __DATE__

扩展到翻译日期,形式为 “Mmm dd yyyy” 的字符串文字。月份的名称如同生成的一样,如果asctime月份的日期小于10,则“dd”的第一个字符是空格

(macro constant) __TIME__

扩展到翻译时,形式为 “hh:mm:ss” 形式的字符串文字,如在 asctime()

(macro constant)


__STDC_ISO_10646__ (C99)expands to an integer constant of the form yyyymmL, if wchar_t uses Unicode, the date indicates the latest revision of Unicode supported (macro constant)
__STDC_IEC_559__ (C99)expands to 1 if IEC 60559 is supported (macro constant)
__STDC_IEC_559_COMPLEX__ (C99)expands to 1 if IEC 60559 complex arithmetic is supported (macro constant)
__STDC_UTF_16__ (C11)expands to 1 if char16_t use UTF-16 encoding (macro constant)
__STDC_UTF_32__ (C11)expands to 1 if char32_t use UTF-32 encoding (macro constant)
__STDC_MB_MIGHT_NEQ_WC__ (C99)expands to 1 if wide character encoding of the basic character set may not equal their narrow encoding, such as on EBCDIC-based systems that use Unicode for wchar_t (macro constant)
__STDC_ANALYZABLE__ (C11)expands to 1 if analyzability is supported (macro constant)
__STDC_LIB_EXT1__ (C11)expands to an integer constant 201112L if bounds-checking interfaces are supported (macro constant)
__STDC_NO_ATOMICS__ (C11)expands to 1 if atomic types and atomic operations library are not supported (macro constant)
__STDC_NO_COMPLEX__ (C11)expands to 1 if complex types and complex math library are not supported (macro constant)
__STDC_NO_THREADS__ (C11)expands to 1 if multithreading is not supported (macro constant)
__STDC_NO_VLA__ (C11)expands to 1 if variable-length arrays are not supported (macro constant)


预定义变量__func__(详见函数定义)不是预处理器宏,即使它有时与__FILE__和__LINE__一起使用,例如通过 assert。(自C99以来)

#include <stdio.h> //make function factory and use it #define FUNCTION(name, a) int fun_##name(int x) { return (a)*x;} FUNCTION(quadruple, 4) FUNCTION(double, 2) #undef FUNCTION #define FUNCTION 34 #define OUTPUT(a) puts( #a ) int main(void) { printf("quadruple(13): %d\n", fun_quadruple(13) printf("double(21): %d\n", fun_double(21) printf("%d\n", FUNCTION OUTPUT(million //note the lack of quotes }


quadruple(13): 52 double(21): 42 34 million


  • C11标准(ISO / IEC 9899:2011):